Big Family
Big Family is a non-profit organization based in MN. The organization hopes to be a mechanism of empowerment in serving primarily East-African families by facilitating conversations and creating programming that promotes the wellness of family members throughout all aspects of their lives and strengthens the community structures and institutions by providing tools and resources to support them.
Parkinson's Patient Support Organization Ethiopia (PPSO-E)
PPSO-E is a non-governmental indigenous charity organization and the only Parkinson's clinic in Ethiopia. It strives to improve awareness of Parkinson's Disease (PD) and provides treatment options for patients with PD. PPPSO-E's main objectives are educating the general public about PD, providing screening for diagnosis, and supporting port patients and their caregivers.
Yene Health
YeneHealth (YH) is an early-stage, fem-tech startup that is focused on adolescent girls and women’s sexual & reproductive health (SRH). As the first of its kind in Ethiopia, they aim to make SRH and Family Planning (FP) information and products accessible and available for our users. Their digital platform strives to address the unmet need for family planning and maternal health while supporting adolescent girls and women to gain self-agency over their bodies.